
今天是 2024年05月02日 星期四



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In the northern part of Guangdong Province, there is a city called Qingyuan. This city is famous for its beautiful natural scenery and rich food culture. Today, I want to tell the world about one of Qingyuan's delicacies - Yingde beef.


British German beef, originating from Yingde City, Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province, is one of the intangible cultural heritages of Guangdong Province. It has won the favor of the majority of food lovers with its unique cooking techniques, delicious taste and rich nutritional value.


The selection of beef for English and German dishes is very particular. Firstly, local high-quality yellow cattle are chosen. These cattle feed on grass in the mountains, which is pollution-free, resulting in tender meat. Secondly, the timing of slaughter is also crucial. Only when the yellow cattle have reached a certain age and their meat quality is at its best will they be slaughtered. Lastly, there are strict requirements for the cutting of beef. Each piece of beef needs to undergo meticulous cutting to ensure its taste and nutrition.


The cooking technique of English and German beef is also very unique. Firstly, cut the beef into pieces and soak them in cold water to remove blood. Then, put the beef in a pot, add ginger, cooking wine and other seasonings, and boil over high heat. Next, turn down the heat and simmer until the beef is cooked through. Finally, put the cooked beef in cold water to cool down, in order to maintain its texture and nutrition.


The taste of British and German beef is delicious, the meat is tender and nutritious. It is rich in protein, amino acids, minerals and vitamins, which is very beneficial to human health. Moreover, the fat content of British and German beef is low, not greasy, making it an ideal choice for a healthy diet.


English and German beef is not only a culinary treasure of Qingyuan, but also one of the representatives of traditional Chinese cuisine. It has won the love of global diners with its unique cooking techniques, delicious taste and rich nutritional value. If you have the opportunity to come to Qingyuan, be sure to try this delicacy, I believe you will fall in love with it.

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